Monday, 22 April 2013

We never said goodbye

We never said goodbye

You're gone
Been out of reality coming a decade
Yet eveytime i loose my mind I go looking for you 

It's not some conspiracy theory
following no earthly signs will lead me to you
the last time is the last time i am willing to get lost to find you

I know you live on in me
I feel you in my heart and blood
This sickness i have is a gift from you
I am forever greatful

My huge healing heart is because of what i saw you do
Yet was to young to compute what my tiny eyes were seeing
I have never hated you like most others i know
I have and will always love you

See you soon and feel you always

Your Taracik

Rape ?


A four letter word but so confusing
Even though i have never been "raped"
Does that mean i don't know how it feels for my soul to be raped

No one has really touched me without my consent
But who was in my driving seat
A man who knows how to push a Ladies buttons

Or Me who knows the mans intentions and lets me go through with it

I have raped myself - you tell me what that feels like. 

Tara Sogut Ismail 

Connelly Ward 31.03.2013

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Heart Beat

I write poems to my heart beat
I feel the steady flow of him pulsing through my veins
Does this mean we share the same blood?

No music, no confusion - just me Oneself and Him
Do I already know Him?
We have met Soul to Soul but will eye to eye ever come

One can dream

Tara Sogut Ismail

Electric Man

You say you can handle my flow
Yet you have no idea about my conductivity
You can ground the flow through wires
Can you handle my electricity?

You say you want to love me "let me love you"
Yet you haven't even asked to hold my hand
My soft hands are the keys to my heart
If you get a shock from my hands you might just be my one and only

Tara Sogut Ismail